
The latest iPhone, a plane ticket to the sun or maybe a first car? As a student you can always use some extra pocket money! At Forum Jobs we are looking for student jobs that look good on your CV. Register now and who knows, you might soon be checking in on Ibiza with your cool iPhone. And maybe there will be some money left to treat your friends to a glass of rosé.


How does it work?

Registering online is piece of cake! You only need your national number. You tell us the period in which you are available and we will immediately get to work!
If you are already registered, it is best to visit one of our Forum Jobs offices for an update of your registration.

Sign me up

Who can work as a student?

You can work as a student if your main activity is studying. This means that the majority of your time should be spent studying. If you work 2 days a week while going to school 3 days a week there is no problem. Did you graduate in June? Then you may still work until September 30 at the reduced contributions. Are you quitting school and not continuing your education? Then you may no longer work as a student.
We always have a large number if interesting student jobs in our portfolio. Take a look on the site or contract one of our colleagues.

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The official figures have not been released yet.

As a student employee, you are allowed to work 600 hours per calendar year at a reduced contribution rate. You do not pay social security contributions or withholding tax; only a solidarity contribution of 2.71% on your gross salary. As a student employee, you are also required to file a tax return. It's important for you, as a student employee, to keep track of the number of hours you have worked. Verify this through 'Student@work'

You will receive your contract in your Adminbox. The Adminbox is a separate mailbox where you can sign the contract. First, you create a code to access your Adminbox. Then, you set up a one-time mandate. With this mandate code, you can subsequently sign your contracts in the Adminbox. Remember these two codes well! It is important that you can always present your contract at the workplace. Through the Adminbox, you have it available on your smartphone.

You will receive your pay slip in your personal mailbox through E-post, an environmentally friendly way to send pay slips. You will receive an automatic email from E-post containing your password. With this password, you can access your pay slip. This system is separate from the Adminbox.

During your employment of 600 hours as a student employee, you are eligible for the growth package.

If you work as a student for more than 600 hours per calendar year, the right to the growth package is maintained for each month in which you work less than 80 hours.

If you fall ill, immediately notify both Forum Jobs and the company where you are employed. (Immediately = at the latest half an hour before the start of the workday.) Please inform us via phone or email (not through text messages). Within 48 hours, you must submit a medical certificate to your Forum Jobs office.

In the event of any accident or near-accident, report it immediately to your direct supervisor and to Forum Jobs. Ask for the names of any potential witnesses to include in the report.

Please provide Forum Jobs with the following documents as soon as possible, so that we can file a report with the work accident insurance:

  • Medical certificate (You will receive a blank copy from Forum Jobs)
  • Account of the incident (You will receive this when reporting the accident)
  • Doctor's notes
  • Other expenses (pharmacy receipts, invoices, etc.)

The faster we receive the documents, the sooner the accident will be accepted by the insurance.

Before starting work, you will sign a workstation form. This document outlines agreements regarding your job role and the safety aspects of your workplace. Make sure you are familiar with the contents of the workstation form.

  • Wear all work clothing and other personal protective equipment properly.
  • Seek sufficient explanations and follow the instructions from your supervisor on the work floor.
  • Report any dangerous situations or incidents to your supervisor and to your Forum Jobs office.

As a student employee, there are certain tasks you are not allowed to perform. There is a list of prohibited activities for young workers outlined in the legislation. At Forum Jobs, we strictly adhere to this list and will never assign you to any of these prohibited tasks. However, we also request your vigilance on the work floor. What are the tasks that you should never perform as a student employee?

  • You are never allowed to operate a motorized vehicle, regardless of your age or experience. As a student employee, you must not operate a forklift or agricultural vehicle.
  • You are not permitted to work at a height of more than 4 meters.
  • You are not allowed to repair machinery defects (unless specified in your workstation document).
  • You should never perform a role other than what is described in your contract or workstation document.

Jobstudenten jonger dan 18 jaar mogen in principe geen overuren maken, tenzij er een duidelijke reden voor is, zoals een plotse toename van het werk. Jobstudenten ouder dan 18 jaar mogen wel overuren maken en vallen onder dezelfde regels als gewone werknemers.

Ja, tijdens de zomermaanden (3e kwartaal) mag je nog een vakantiejob doen, op voorwaarde dat je in juni bent afgestudeerd.

Ja, je kan een vakantiejob doen bij een andere werkgever dan de deeltijdse werkgever bij wie je opleiding volgt, buiten de uren van je theoretische of praktische lessen. Je mag geen werkloosheidsuitkering of inschakelingsuitkering ontvangen. Bij je deeltijdse werkgever mag je alleen tijdens de zomervakantie werken, wanneer de stageovereenkomst niet geldt.

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