
Vacature Forklift Driver - 2 Shifts

Algemene info

Regio: West-Vlaanderen
Gemeente: Zwevezele
Contract: Interim job met optie vast werk
Arbeidsovereenkomst: Voltijds
Job statuut: Arbeider
Tijdsregeling: 2-ploegenstelsel

Functie omschrijving

We are looking for a forklift driver for a manufacturer of metal roofing elements and sandwich panels

You will be working in the warehouse where you are responsible for loading trucks.

You also check the necessary documents so that everything is correctly in order in terms of administration


  • You have some experience in loading trucks with a forklift truck.
  • You have sufficient logical insight to place complex packages optimally in the truck.
  • You guarantee smooth handling with an eye for quality and respect for the materials.
  • You follow the guidelines on safety, cleanliness and environment.


Enige ervaring vereist


Geen rijbewijs vereist


Engels: goed


  • An engaging job as a forklift driver (90% forklift work). Social contact with (international) drivers and correctly registering an order form is also part of your duties!
  • Correct remuneration and employment with a company that takes care of its employees!

Loon: Uurloon



Geen specifieke studievereisten

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Interesse in bovenstaande job? Bezorg ons uw cv via onderstaande gegevens, wij nemen dan zo snel mogelijk contact met u op. Tot binnenkort!

Contacteer consulent

Zarah Vanbrabant
051 42 40 37

Contacteer Zarah
Hoe solliciteren voor deze job?