
Vacature Food Operator

Algemene info

Regio: West-Vlaanderen
Gemeente: Wielsbeke
Contract: Interim job met optie vast werk
Job statuut: Arbeider
Tijdsregeling: 2-ploegenstelsel

Functie omschrijving

Our customer is a company in Wielsbeke specialized in the production of potato products. To produce these products, we are looking for a food operator.

Do you feel at home in a production environment? Would you like to work in a 2-shift system? Then you are the food operator we are looking for!

Your duties:

  • You are responsible for setting up the automatic packing lines.
  • You do a small quality check per hour.
  • Technical defects? You intervene immediately.
  • You work in a 2-shift system from Monday to Friday.