
Vacature Machine Operator - Kluisbergen

Algemene info

Regio: Oost-Vlaanderen
Gemeente: Kluisbergen
Contract: Interim job met optie vast werk
Job statuut: Arbeider
Tijdsregeling: 2-ploegenstelsel

Functie omschrijving

Are you looking for a job as machine-operator?

Do you want to work in 2 shifts?

Read more and maybe you are the person we are looking for!

For a company specialized in quality and sustainable products we are looking for a machine operator. This company is located in Kluisbergen.

Job description:

  • You will apply the parts to the mold and take the produced product away from the machine afterwards.
  • You will clean the machine.
  • Quality control of the product
  • After a intern training, you can work on 2 other machines for cutting off large scraps and trimming.

Shedule: 5h - 13h05 or 13h - 21h05 with a 27 min break.